Protocol for Fecal Sludge Testing

Publisher(s): ITN-BUET

Protocol for Fecal Sludge Testing

Language: English

Publication Year: 2023

Document Type: PDF

ISBN 13: 9789843544681

An important goal of this protocol is to facilitate laboratory personnel, researchers, or students for testing different characterizing parameters. The protocol also provides step-by-step guide to laboratory users to conduct tests for different fecal sludge types (liquid, solid, slurry etc.). Various Modules and Protocols testing fecal sludge parameters have been reviewed and adapted to the local context considering the modus operandi of the available equipment. This protocol takes into consideration overall country aspects, although primarily it has been designed as a module for facilitating a laboratory training module in the fecal sludge testing laboratory at the Department of Civil Engineering, BUET.

Focus Area

Sanitation, FSM


Fecal Sludge, FSM


Dhaka - Bangladesh


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